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Curriculum Reconnection

At Danesholme Infant Academy, we recognise that our pupils:
  • Need to have time to reconnect with each other, their peers and the whole school community. They need time to reconnect and work alongside their adults (teachers, TAs, MDSAs).
  • Need to be encouraged back into learning, terms such as 'lost learning', 'falling behind' will be replaced with positive vocabulary. 
  • Need time to talk about what lock down learning has been like, what they have been doing is valued.
  • Need to have access to areas of the curriculum which were more difficult to teach remotely. These will include: Music days, STEM week, Enrichment Art Week, Outdoor Maths (mathematical May), Reading week, Well being activities to include Buddy system, outdoor learning and pastoral support.


At Danesholme Infant Academy our Reconnection will focus on:- 12 areas.


Our Parents have worked tirelessly with our pupils and we:

  • Need to continue to build upon the strong relationships we have secured with our families through this challenging time
  • Need to provide our parents with the help they need, and be aware of how to support if they have experienced any financial issues, etc which may have occurred during this time