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Be a Mathematician at DIA


Maths Intent

   At Danesholme Infant Academy we embrace the Mastery approach in our teaching of mathematics. Our teachers ensure that mathematical skills are taught every day following the White Rose maths scheme, which focusses on building skills in fluency, reasoning and problem-solving across a range of mathematical areas. Teaching ensures children have the opportunity to broaden their understanding of mathematical concepts through a practical, hands-on approach using a wide range of manipulatives and concrete resources.

    We also use cross-curricular opportunities to develop pupils’ mathematical fluency including outdoor learning. Our pupils understand the importance of mathematics, are encouraged to be confident in numeracy and to apply the skills that they learn to simple problem-solving. In each lesson there is a short mental maths session, we then build on skills and understanding in a step by step and progressive way. Some lessons take a hands-on practical approach, which is followed up with a lesson where the children use their new learning to problem-solve and reason effectively. Our academy adopts the continuous provision approach to teaching and learning across the school. We ensure that in every maths lesson the children have access to a range of interactive provision activities, which have been specially designed to support the development of specific skills and areas of learning. The children have access to a range of resources whilst accessing inclusive continuous provision which nutures and support children's mathematical curiosity and interests. 

    The academy is part of the NCETM Maths Hub and we continue to develop our practice in line with theirs. We participate with extra activities throughout the year to promote mathematical skills and thinking including NSPCC Number Day and whole school maths events. Our academy has also embedded Teach Active Maths to support the teaching and learning of mathematics. Teachers will often link this with outdoor learning and the focus will be on a particular area or skill, and allows the opportunity for the children to apply their learning in interesting and exciting contexts.   

Maths Lesson Examples:


Key words and phrases for subtraction learning:
Capacity Reception
Math: size and measure Y1
In the picture we can see 4 bears. There are 3 very small baby bears and 1 very big mummy bear.


One more, one less.
Well done!

National Curriculum Mathematics Programmes of Study:  

White Rose Maths: 

Teach Active: 

NSPCC Number Day: