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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are entitled to free school meals, those looked after by the local authority and children of armed service personnel. The intended effect of this funding is to accelerate progress and raise attainment.

It is for schools to decide how to spend the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility. We consider research evidence from organisations such as the Sutton Trust and the Education Endowment Foundation when we plan how to spend our Pupil Premium funding allocation.

In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for Free School Meals.

All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received, how this is being used, and the impact of any work done.

You can find out further information about Pupil Premium on the DfE website by clicking here.

 The Academy plans to spend the pupil premium money on addressing the following barriers to learning and has used the NFER Building Blocks for Success to inform expenditure:

  • Language Attainment for reading, writing and maths - including the attainment gap between Pupil Premium and Non- Pupil Premium children
  • Cultural capital and hands-on experiences
  • Attendance
  • Behaviour – pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
  • Pupils’ ability to talk about their emotions and develop strategies to cope with their emotions
  • Development of vocabulary and access to a wide range of reading material
  • Parental engagement with school in supporting their child’s learning at home
  • The number of pupils who are in receipt of Pupil Premium and also on the SEN register for cognition and learning
  • Access to extra-curricular activities - educational experiences such as trips, music lessons and participation in physical activities