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Bumped Heads

As per Government guidelines, we are striving to reduce the amount of paper we send home.

Mr BumpIf your child has a bump to the head, we will give them a sticker so you can easily see this has happened.  All accidents/bumps, etc. continue to be logged in school, and if necessary a member of staff will contact you by phone.

Following a head bump you should monitor your child for a minimum of 48 hours (or longer if advised by a medical specialist).  If any of the following symptoms are present, particularly loss of consciousness (even for a short period of time), you should call an emergency ambulance:
  • Lasting headache that gets worse or is still present over six hours after the injury;
  • Extreme difficulty in staying awake, or still being sleepy several hours after the injury. It is fine to let children go to sleep after a slight bump to the head, but you should check on them regularly and make sure you are able to wake them.
  • Nausea and vomiting several hours after the injury;
  • Unconsciousness or coma;
  • Unequal pupil size;
  • Confusion, feeling lost or dizzy, or difficulty making sense when talking;
  • Pale yellow fluid or watery blood, coming from the ears or nose (this suggests a skull fracture);
  • Bleeding from the scalp that cannot be quickly stopped; 
  • Not being able to use part of the body, such as weakness in an arm or leg;
  • Difficulty seeing or double vision;
  • Slurred speech; 
  • Having a seizure or fit.

Please note:  If your child has suffered another type of injury as well e.g. cut or graze you should consult your GP if they display any adverse symptoms or if they have not had appropriate injections to reduce the risk of infection e.g. Tetanus