Be an Author at DIA
Writing Intent
The aim of our writing curriculum at Danesholme Infant Academy is to meet the expectation of the National Curriculum in an engaging way, whilst ensuring inclusivity for all. Using both Talk for Writing and the Jane Considine approach, we provide a broad curriculum to expose pupils to a range of genres within writing. Alongside the writing programmes, we use a novel based approach; helping to enhance pupil vocabulary as well as providing them with opportunities of cross-curricular writing. Spelling is taught alongside phonics, with the aid of the Rising Stars spelling programme.
Be a writer at DIA
Writing is taught using The Write Stuff approach using lenses as tools to develop pupil language and vocabulary use through high quality texts or visual literacy stimulus.
Children are taught to form letters neatly using RWI letter formation techniques and the use of Kinetic letters for placement on the line. Writing is taught across the curriculum using a range of text genres as detailed in the coverage document.