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Danesholme Infant Academy

Year 1 Classes

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child into Year 1. Our class half-termly newsletters will inform you of our topics and the areas we will be covering, as well as any additional information you need to know.

General Information.

Please feel free to come and speak to us about how your child is settling in, developments you would like to share or any concerns you have. If this is a quick message, the member of staff on the door in the morning will be happy to pass it on to your child's teacher, or please catch us at the end of the day. It it is something that will need longer, please make an appointment at the office for a more convenient time. As you can appreciate mornings are very busy but we do want to hear from you and will do our best to see you the same day.

Named Clothing.

Please can we remind you to make sure all your child's items of clothing are named, particularly cardigans and sweatshirts. If your child does come home with clothing that doesn't belong to them please return it as soon as possible.


There is an emphasis on phonics during Year 1. This will lead to a phonics screening check in June to confirm whether individual children have learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard. We will be inviting parents to phonic workshops throughout the year to help you support your child in this area.

Trips and Visits.

If you are able to assist us on any trips or visits during the year please let us know.


Thank you for your continued support.

The Year One Team.